-The Prologue to the Bataille was realised in collaboration with the company managing the car-parking lot of the Centre Bourse Shopping Center, which agreed to transmit my personal soundtrack through speakers normally set the main three floors parking area, during the week that preceded the performance .
The soundtrack was a compilation of various pop music regularly punctuated by an sudden interference of a sound of sword fighting.
- The Bataille, a Collective Urban Performance, 1rst April 2004:
1- A carpet of plaster beef-steaks slowly occuping the pedestrian passage to the entrance of the Mall.
This long elevated corridor, is located between the Shopping Center and the Garden of the Ancient Vestige, which contains the archaeological remains of an ancient settlement, (around 600 BC).
Three actors brought the fake "meat" from the Association Le Monstre Hang-be' to the site of the perfomance, carrying speakers in their backpacks transmitting the Time Horses soundtrack along their journey.
2- In the mean time two actors staged a duel on the ground level, at a secondary exit of the car-park.
3 -A guest artist , Flavie Pinatel, performed a piece created for the Ville Invisible.
Interpreting the role of Notre dame des Turcs during her Fury, Falvie Pinatel composed a text using an uncomprehensible scientific language, her song being
supported by musicians dressed as horses.

Artist Nat Jayet self-portrait as she performs in the Ville Invisible: La Bataille. see her work at http://natetcaetera.blogspot.fr/

Mela carring the plaster steaks, the fighters performing at the gaback exit of car parking

Artist Nat Jayet self-portrait as she performs in the Ville Invisible: La Bataille. see her work at http://natetcaetera.blogspot.fr/