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M e l a B. + Y U



Personal research. Writing, performance and field studies


As performer in short:


Accecatamente  Therasia Teatro, Lecce

La Terra dei Lombrichi, directed by Chiara Guidi prod. Societas, -SoFarSoClose fest, Matera

Letters from the Night dir. by Chiara Guidi, prod: Societas-Belluno Miraggi

Motoretta Psicotronica, anniversary of Moon-landing, voice and dj set a Palazzo Filangieri, San Potito Sannitico

Solo piece “I, it is me that loves you” HaHanut Gallery, Tel Aviv

A Sonic View, dir. Claudia Monitor, Tate Britain, London

Toynbee, dir: Geraldine Pilgrim, Toynbee Hall site specific London

Various performances 20011-2013, Music, London

Other significant collaborations:

UbiK Teatro (Venice)

Teresa Cos .

(recently, the series of "Uncle Vania or The Mask of the World" in the Umm El Fahem Art Gallery, a project supported by the British Council).

Movie Documentary writing and production:

La stanza di Emy (Emy’s Room)

Crema Caserta (2018, Dir. J. Gottesmann, Prod HippieColor Italia)

Cardiff University Annual Symposium of Environment and Storytelling: Crema Caserta 

Diva senza Tempo(2016, Dir. J. Gottesmann, Prod HippieColor Italia)


Podcast productions and voice: 

The sounds of Allan


Other Audiobooks

Reading and teaching:

Live bilingual readings of Frankestein, or Mary Shelley's Chained Prometheus, in the educational  setting

Six Walks in Literary Woods by Umberto Eco, Workshop in English for young people between 13 and 16, conceived in collaboration with the SciogliLingua Caserta

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